March 10, 2025

You Need To Get Noticed, Now!

Good Morning   A lot of businesses, when they first start up, spend most if not all of their funds on getting set up: on rent, utilities, equipment, maybe a sign. Yes, you need a sign. As my sign friend says, "A business without a sign is a sign of no business."  Anyway, these new business owners … [Read more...]

What You Can Learn From An Auto Dealer

COME ON DOWN, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! WE'RE MAKING ALL KINDS OF DEALS! OPEN LATE THROUGH LABOR DAY!!!!!!  Happy Pre-Labor Day.  Sorry about the loud statement. Sounds like the radio and television commercials for a local car dealer doesn't it?  But they know something most of us either must have … [Read more...]

How to Get More Customers

Good Morning Does this sound familiar? You need more customers and you have no idea how to get them in the door! How do you come up with the next great idea to bring them in? Talk to your friends and family? Talk to your "friendly competition"? Talk to your vendors or customers?  Really!  You … [Read more...]

Impress Your Customers

Good Morning   Here is a very easy way to impress your customers, especially your new ones. Send them a handwritten thank you note by U.S. mail. I know a lot of you would want to send it by email because it's easier. Yes, it is, but it's cold, impersonal, very easy to overlook and not appreciated … [Read more...]

I Don’t Want You To Be A Saleperson For Me!

Yes, you read that right! I don't want you to be my salesperson. Unless you work for me full time and I train you in what we do and offer. And I don't want to be your salesperson either! What? In almost every leads, networking group, etc. we are told that the other people in the group can be your … [Read more...]

It’s Almost Half Time, How’s It Going?

 I hope that everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend and that you took time out to remember what the day was all about. My friend Tyler Brown, owner of Fusion Under Glass Catering, really understood the meaning. Ask him how he got the blister and it wasn't by cooking food, maybe he was … [Read more...]