March 31, 2025

Networking Questions

Good Morning I attend a network group that meets for lunch once a week. I do this for a number of reasons including getting lunch, getting out of the office and socializing, and oh yes, getting more business. This week our chair Hugh Morrison sent out his weekly email and included a few … [Read more...]

Your 30 Second Commercial

Good Morning ; Over the years I have been to a lot of networking/leads groups. I've done breakfasts, lunches and after-hours events. I've been to marketing meetings as well. Almost all of them will have everyone introduce themselves. The person in charge says something like: "Please (stand-up) … [Read more...]

Keeping in Contact with a flyer

Good Morning,Yesterday I went to a Chamber leads/networking meeting at a local restaurant. A Realtor was the speaker. Besides telling us about her background (which was quite impressive) and what she does (selling and leasing homes), she also told us how she stays in front of her customer base. She … [Read more...]

CEO Roundtable Forming

Good Morning,Did you ever want to tell someone about what you are facing every day, the good and the bad? We all have. Who do you talk to who will understand and maybe offer some good advice? Family, they might listen and give you well meaning advice, but... Friends, they don't really understand and … [Read more...]

Who’s Your Demo?

Good Morning ,A couple of days ago I went to my first networking event in over a year. It was lightly attended, which was good for me as I was a bit rusty. As I talk to people, one of the questions I ask is, "Who is your demographics or your customer base?" Most of the time I get a somewhat good … [Read more...]

Networking Rules

Good Morning ,Joseph Miller of TMT Spa, and Shawndi Purselly of Armstrong Purselley Wealth Management Group please contact me to pick up your prizes that you won at my HEB Expo booth.More and more in-person events are starting to take place. In fact a good friend of mine has been holding live … [Read more...]