March 10, 2025

Why are you wasting money?

Good Morning I'm one of the few people who look at and read every piece of mail I get whether at home or at the office. I notice when I get mail that is hand addressed or has a label on it, has a full postage 1st class stamp or a standard (bulk) mail permit on it, whether they stuck a generic … [Read more...]

My Garden and Tess

I have a small garden. I'm growing tomatoes, red and purple bell peppers, cantaloupe and herbs. The season for tomatoes is almost at an end, and the peppers are coming along.  We have a dog named Tess. She's a small Newfoundland, she can rest her head on the kitchen table while standing on the … [Read more...]

Get the word out

 Need a quick way or two to get the word out about your business or a summer sale?  If you have the email addresses and the permission to do so, you can email your customer base. Use a program like Constant Contact or Mail Chimp or one of the others. (Check out the cost and look for free trial … [Read more...]

Do It Again And Again And Again…..

Good Morning When planning what kind of advertising you will be doing, don't plan on doing it just once! You must do it multiple times. When you use direct mail, don't send out post cards, flyer or sales letter just once. Send another mailing to the same group 3-4 weeks later and then a 3rd 3-4 … [Read more...]

I Don’t Have Time, So I’ll Do What Ever Comes Up and Hope!

I was at the 2nd meeting with a new friend and client. We are planning out the marketing of their business. We are on a tight timeline, but we are taking the time to plan out what we want to happen. Because we are taking our time planning out the marketing, we will achieve our goals. All too often … [Read more...]

Once Is Not Enough & Can’t Slap Him Upside The Head

I was told the other day when talking about contacting prospects: "Why should we send a second or third letter, flyer or postcard to the same prospects if they did not respond to the 1st one? Why waste the money to contact them again?" I did not slap the person upside the head, although I wanted … [Read more...]