March 12, 2025

Are You Doing This?

Good Morning Tuesday, I had my booth at the HEB Chamber Expo. I had business cards, hand outs, free pens, Rangers schedules and good chocolate to give away. If you stopped by the booth I tried to make sure I put something with my name, contact information and a call to action in your hands.I … [Read more...]

Is One Enough

Good Morning A friend contacted me yesterday and wanted to add direct mail to his customer's marketing campaign and wanted to know how much to budget and then charge. He wanted to know if there was a flat rate or if it was all custom. He did tell me that they wanted to send out a series of 3 … [Read more...]

Does It = $$$??

Good Morning  I was out and about the other day and saw a sign that read, "Please Like Us on Facebook." I know you have seen them as well. I've always wondered, "Why should I like you? What's in it for me?" A friend who has a client that uses Facebook a lot to promote says that it's a great way … [Read more...]

HEB Business Expo

Good Morning  Thank you to everyone who checked out on Amazon my friend Dr. Malcolm Upton's new book "Silver Bullet Marketing: The 11 Essential Elements Of A Money Making Marketing Machine They Don't Teach In School."  And an even bigger thanks to all those who purchased the Kindle … [Read more...]

I’m Done

Good Morning  I'm done! I just finished attending a 2-day mastermind meeting from the coaching group I'm part of. If you do not have a coach or a mastermind group, you are missing a big asset to your business. A good coach can help you build and run your business to its best advantage. A … [Read more...]

Marketing Maintenance

Good Morning Early Wednesday morning (12 midnight) we in the Fort Worth area had very heavy rains and high winds (about 60 mph). As I write this, it's still raining. A wet day. As I left Wednesday morning for the office, I noticed lots of sticks and bunches of leaves all over the front lawn. … [Read more...]

Special Offer Corrected

Good Morning   Last week I wrote that I was now offering the Monthly Vitamin Pakand the Past Customer Recovery Program. I also informed you that only you are being offered a special deep discount; no one else will get this discount. I also told you that the discount … [Read more...]

Keep Your Customers

Good Morning Yesterday I got done a bit early so I decided to finish weeding my vegetable garden. It was overgrown with grass and weeds from being untended all winter long. I needed to finish pulling all the weeds and grass out before it started raining this weekend. Sunday afternoon the weather … [Read more...]

Added Service, Wow

Good Morning  Thank you to everyone who sent me kind words about last week's tip on NTTA great (not) customer service! I was reading this week's edition of one of the best marketing blogs around, "Denny Hatch's Marketing Blog." For those who have not heard of Denny Hatch, he founded and ran … [Read more...]

Customer Service??

Good Morning   Customer service. We all think we offer great customer service, but do we really?Last month I used the George Bush Toll Road. Normally I use the toll roads about once every 2-3 years so I don't a need a toll tag. Tuesday I finally got an email from NTTA ( for those who are not from … [Read more...]