March 18, 2025

Why You Should Love Your Business

Good Morning Do know the saying "do what you love and the money will follow"? Have you ever really thought about it? Do you really like what you do? If you don't like or have enthusiasm for what you do, it is reflected in your business. It seeps out of you to affect your employees, your … [Read more...]

Your Crisis Is Not Mine!

Good Morning Contact First Name    The other day a client forwarded me an email from their printer explaining that they had some problems and that they would be delayed in getting the materials for my client's mailing to me on time.  This was a first! My client (who's a great client) also did … [Read more...]

Bright Business Owners Go After More Than The Low Hanging Fruit, Do You?

Good Morning Yesterday I sat down and talked to someone I hope will be a new client. He has a new business that is a service business. His customers are mostly businesses. He came to me to do a mailing. We talked, and I explained that we should narrow down his list to maybe 100 top businesses … [Read more...]

Are you forced to send out crap?

Good Morning I look at the ads I get, and I've seen some crap in the last few weeks. Most of the ads have been developed by the home/corporate office or their ad agency and given to the local branch or franchisee to run with only minor changes. Here are some of the things they do: 1. They … [Read more...]

free report

Good Morning There are only three ways to grow any business: 1) Increase the number of people who buy from you. 2) Increase the number of items or the amount they buy from you every time they buy. 3) Increase the number of times they buy from you.   In the 20 years that I have … [Read more...]

What I learned from fishing

Good Morning When I was a child, my father and his friend used to take me along (very early in the morning) when they went fishing. They fished mainly on the Niagara River and sometimes on Lake Erie. The bait we used was worms and minnows. My father had some spinners and other "cool" fishing … [Read more...]

A Mommieism that’s true

  Good Morning Remember when your mother said, "If everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you go along with them?" Usually it was something you wanted to do, and yes, all your friends were doing it and you wanted to fit in. Right? Nowadays, we do the same thing. We see our competition … [Read more...]

Ready To Move Your Business To The Next Level?

Good Morning, I just finished a 3-day Master Mind meeting (if you're not sure what a Master Mind group is check out Napoleon Hill's book "Think & Grow Rich") on taking my business to the next level. We meet 4 times a year, and when we do not meet, we have a group coaching call. The people … [Read more...]

Your Customer Is

Good Morning Wednesday, I went to an after hours mixer held at Miguelito's that was sponsored by the HEB Chamber. While I was there, I met Suzy Black, CNC, of Hidden Youth Wellness Center. We started talking, and she asked me how much it would cost to send out some post cards. I gave her a … [Read more...]

Money Mailers Ads How To Make Them Better

First Name Wednesday I got a Money Mailer (registered trademark) envelope in the mail. I opened it and went through it. What I found was that not every business (22) used both side of the paper to get their message across (33 did). I have a feeling that the 22 could not justify the expense vs. … [Read more...]