March 18, 2025

Business owners, enjoy the holidays, but now is the time to beat out your competition easily

I hope that you all are having a great Christmas holiday. This is also the time of the year that most businesses are closing the books on 2013 and looking forward to 2014. For some, business has been slowing down all month long and just about comes to a stop this week and next. For others, it is the … [Read more...]

I’m late, I’m Late

Good Morning Contact First Name I know I'm a bit late, Well quite a bit late by about almost a day. I took today off to spend it with my family so I did not get a chance to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I'm sorry. I hope that everyone had a good time and got all the presents that they … [Read more...]

Be The Only One In Front of Your Customers

This is the time of year when you're either very busy or you're almost slow enough to take time off. This tip is great for both the one who's slow but still has bills coming due and the ones who are so busy that they do not have time to take a few hours off. Almost everyone sends out Christmas … [Read more...]

You Got To Be The Lowest Price – Not!

If you have been in business for any length of time, you have gotten the call or visit from someone who tells you that your prices are too high and need to be lower if you want their business, because x business is lower and you need to be lower than them. Well, that has happened to me a number … [Read more...]

Why are you wasting money?

A few months ago, the transmission on my car went out. I took it to the business across the street from my office that specializes in transmissions. They repaired it in record time and even charged me less than they quoted. I did not do the work on it myself nor did I take it to the shop where I … [Read more...]

Why are you wasting money?

Good Morning I'm one of the few people who look at and read every piece of mail I get whether at home or at the office. I notice when I get mail that is hand addressed or has a label on it, has a full postage 1st class stamp or a standard (bulk) mail permit on it, whether they stuck a generic … [Read more...]

Tips to boost your business

Hi Before I begin, I just wanted to tell you to check out the P.S. at the end  of this tip. I just returned from cold Chicago, where I spent 4 days with some of the best informational marketers in the country. You may be wondering how this applies to my … [Read more...]

I’m learning this week

Good Morning Today I start four days of intensive learning about the newest marketing strategies for both online and off. We start at 8 am and run until 9 pm most days.  I'll let you know what I learn.   In the mean time here are a couple ways to to stay in front of your customers … [Read more...]

Special Halloween Marketing Tip

Check out this special tip :    click here I hope that you enjoy it and come on back for next weeks tip Phil     … [Read more...]

New Years Resolution Will Be Too Late, You Must Start Now!

I had a short talk with someone I hope will be a new client and who wants to get together in early January to do some marketing for their business. Great! But then I told them that they may see the results maybe early March but more likely April or May. What? How can that be?  We have our first … [Read more...]