March 9, 2025

How To Make Your Web Site A Marketing Machine For Your Business

Good Morning Last week I gave you the critical questions that your website needs to answer. I got the questions (I reworked them to fit your business) from my good friend Lisa Weber, RDH (Registered Dental Hygienist) and dental coach who is known as the $600KRDH ( This … [Read more...]

Does Your Web Site Answer These Question To Turn Vistors Into Customers?

Good Morning My good friend Lisa Weber, RDH (Registered Dental Hygienist) and dental coach who is known as the $600kRDH ( sent me some critical questions a dentist's website NEEDS to answer.  I reworked them to fit your business. These questions need to be answered to make … [Read more...]

Build Life Time Value In Your Customers

Good Morning One of the main themes of GKIC and the Marketing & Money-Making SuperConference, as well as what a friend and I talked about yesterday, is that you make a sale to get a customer instead of getting a customer to make a sale. What??? Most businesses go after customers to … [Read more...]

I’m learning from the best so you can be successful

Good Morning Today starts four days of learning and networking. I am attending GKIC Marketing & Money-Making SuperConference. The conference runs from 8 am till 8-9 pm most of the days. I've had people ask me why I go. The first reason is to learn more about direct response marketing … [Read more...]

See what happens when you open yourself

Good Morning Monday I got back from a four day marketing boot camp followed by a two day coaching mastermind meeting. For months now I have been trying to put together a monthly marketing support program and the core product that goes with it. No one service or product that I currently … [Read more...]

Stop Send Out Junk Mail

Good Morning The other day a letter came to my business. It had my company's name on it, but it was addressed to someone else. The name on it was someone I don't know. As if that were not bad enough, the sales letter assumed that the person it was addressed to was interested and wanted their … [Read more...]