January 11, 2025

You’re Unique

Congratulations  you are one of the 13 to 15% that open this email each week and read it. That not only makes you unique but also successful. How so you might wonder?  Well you are part of the 13 to 15%  of the people I send this weekly email to that takes the 3 to 5 minutes  to open it and read … [Read more...]

Here is your chance, Take It!

Labor Day is over, school is back session, and the outside tempature dropped to around 99 here in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. Yes, summer is over; there are no more vacations, and people are back at work. You have about two and half months before the holiday season begins, when most people put a … [Read more...]

You’re a Fool If You Do It Once!

Good Morning When wanting to advertise, you must plan to reach out to your audience at least 3 to 4 times within a short period of time, say, 2 to 3 months at the most. If you go longer, like once every 30, 60 or even 90 days, then your audience will likely forget you, if not your previous message. … [Read more...]

Pick It Up

Good Morning We are in the final weeks of summer. People are taking time off before the rush of the fall and start of school. For a lot of businesses, it's slow.  Need to pick things up?  How about going through your customer list, finding your past customers, maybe the ones who haven't done … [Read more...]

My Garden and Tess

I have a small garden. I'm growing tomatoes, red and purple bell peppers, cantaloupe and herbs. The season for tomatoes is almost at an end, and the peppers are coming along.  We have a dog named Tess. She's a small Newfoundland, she can rest her head on the kitchen table while standing on the … [Read more...]

Here’s A Quickie You Need To Do

I saw a presentation yesterday that reminded me of a key marketing point that too many people forget about. The presentation was very good, but the handouts used what I call "industry speak" or tech speak. You have it when you have to ask what a term means. If the person is nice, he or she will … [Read more...]