Good Morning Last week I gave you the critical questions that your website needs to answer. I got the questions (I reworked them to fit your business) from my good friend Lisa Weber, RDH (Registered Dental Hygienist) and dental coach who is known as the $600KRDH ( This … [Read more...]
Does Your Web Site Answer These Question To Turn Vistors Into Customers?
Good Morning My good friend Lisa Weber, RDH (Registered Dental Hygienist) and dental coach who is known as the $600kRDH ( sent me some critical questions a dentist's website NEEDS to answer. I reworked them to fit your business. These questions need to be answered to make … [Read more...]
People waste a lot of money on advertising
Good Morning I was going through some of my advertising/marketing reference materials to develop a couple of new products and got thinking about why most advertising does not work. Here are the mistakes most businesses make and the correct method. Who are you selling to? Unless you're selling … [Read more...]
Time To Get Back To Work
Good Morning I hope that everyone had great and restful holidays and you're all ready to get back to work. I've talked to a number of business owners who came back and then realized that they had very little business and plenty of bills due. So with that in mind, … [Read more...]