March 9, 2025

Media Mistake in Marketing Your Business

Good Morning For the past two weeks I've written about developing a profile of your best customers, finding more of them and sending your personalized message to them. Now, let's cover the last big mistake - media. You have to match the media to your audience. Let me say that again: Match … [Read more...]

Developing a better sales message

Good Morning Last week I wrote that you need to develop a profile or avatar of your best customer and multiply them. This week: your advertising message to these customers. When most businesses buy ads, they will let the person who's selling the ad and their graphics staff put together the ad. … [Read more...]

Be The Only One In Front of Your Customers

This is the time of year when you're either very busy or you're almost slow enough to take time off. This tip is great for both the one who's slow but still has bills coming due and the ones who are so busy that they do not have time to take a few hours off. Almost everyone sends out Christmas … [Read more...]

Why are you wasting money?

A few months ago, the transmission on my car went out. I took it to the business across the street from my office that specializes in transmissions. They repaired it in record time and even charged me less than they quoted. I did not do the work on it myself nor did I take it to the shop where I … [Read more...]

It comes out of my pocket if I’m not perfect, But….

Hi; I have to be perfect! Yes, I know how that sounds, so let me explain. When I get a list for a client, I have to make sure that what they need is correct and they get the correct list. Next I have to make sure that the mail piece has all the proper items on it so it gets delivered at the … [Read more...]

200 Under My Belt

Good Morning Contact First Name Four years ago today I sent out my first marketing tip, September 26, 2009. I have written over 200 tips in that time and would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read them. It has been my hope that you find them informative and helpful in … [Read more...]