March 10, 2025

Who Are You Selling To, 2

Good Morning  Last week I went over two of the four basic types of buyers' personas (you can read about the first two by clicking here),   Introspective/Competitive and  Impulsive/Spontaneous. This week we will go over Practical/Methodical and Enthusiastic/Humanistic.Practical/Methodical - This … [Read more...]

Who Are You Selling To

Good Morning  Selling. That's is the most important job that you have as the owner of your business. If you don't sell, you don't have a business. I've know owners who have told me, "I don't have to sell; I have salespeople." My answer was, "Yes, you do, but when a big customer calls, do you help … [Read more...]

Recession and Your Business

Good Morning  A few weeks ago I wrote about whether we were going to have a recession.  Click here to read it. A few people contacted me about it, stating that they don't think we will have one. I mentioned that we might not have it this year, but maybe next year. At any rate we are due for one. … [Read more...]


Good Morning  Last Sunday my wife and I stopped by a Subway to pick up sandwiches for a late dinner. It was almost dark and we were able to see their lighted sign from a distance so we could turn in the correct parking lot. We weren't sure they were still open but saw the lights were still on and … [Read more...]

Happy Labor Day, But

Good Morning   First off: Just wanted to let you know Forest Ridge Funeral Home had a great turnout for hosting the HEB Chamber's networking breakfast "Good Morning HEB." Now on to other things: Happy Labor Day!This coming Monday is Labor Day, the day that we celebrate the working … [Read more...]

More People

Good Morning  My friend David who owns Forest Ridge Funeral Home is having an HEB Chamber networking breakfast (Good Morning HEB) next week. Getting lots of people to an early morning networking event is hard enough, but to get them to come to a funeral home? David knows this, and like the great … [Read more...]