Good Morning Years ago when I was working for a radio station selling commercial time, I and everyone else sold our clients a schedule of commercials. Only on very rare occasions did you sell just one 30-second commercial. While watching television I see the same commercial over and over. … [Read more...]
Forget The Texting or Emails This Is Better
Good Morning A handwritten note to customers, prospects or anyone you meet is a great way to contact and stay in contact with them. It's better than an email or text. A handwritten note is personal and shows that you took the time to do it. You care. People notice things like that and it helps … [Read more...]
Business Cards – Carry Them
Good Morning During the past month--including last night--I have attended a number of networking events. These events are advertised as networking events, places to exchange business cards, generate leads and maybe get some business. But guess what happens? People show up without business … [Read more...]
Increase Email Open Rates with These Subject Lines
Good Morning Would you like to get better results in your email marketing? Try some of these best practices subject lines. Dates in the subject line: Business emails that have some form of a date in the subject line will generate a 38% higher 'open rate.' Top performing subject line … [Read more...]
More About Your Customer
Good Morning You are able to view past pages of my new book under the tab "My BS" at: This week - How to find out more about your customer and why they buy from you. The first thing you must do is build a database of your customers. Include not only name and … [Read more...]
Customer Service is NOT a USP, So Stop Using It!
Good Morning You are able to view past pages of my new book under the tab "My BS" at: I was going to write about your customers, but as with all first drafts, things can change. As I was thinking about what to write, I thought that before I wrote about your … [Read more...]
Who Are You? Marketing Secrets No One Will Tell You
Good Morning You are able to view past pages under the tab My BS at: please read them first. Now that you have a true idea of why you are in business, let's move on. The next question to answer is, "In a business sense, what are you?" Nine times out of ten when … [Read more...]
Chapter 1 you and your business
Good Morning In this book I will try to be as honest as possible in exploring different marketing techniques and methods. At times I know that I will make you angry with what I suggest, especial when it goes against what you have been taught and your industry wisdom. If I do make you angry, maybe … [Read more...]