March 17, 2025

Your Web Site Is Probably Not Doing It’s Job

Good Morning Most websites do a lousy job of collecting information on people visiting the web site. Somewhere they will have a "Contact Us" button or tab. You go there and fill out a form or click a button to send an email. Not a lot of my website visitors do that. Would you like to capture … [Read more...]

3,650 view to get your message across, how much would you pay?

Good Morning Contact First Name Last month we got our yearly Jewish calendar for the year 5775. This calendar runs from September through September. This calendar goes up in our kitchen and we can see the same ads month in and month out. Last week I got another calendar from the national … [Read more...]

Virginia Tech Study Study Shows Digital Only Marketing/Advertising Is A Dangerous Temptation

Good Morning A lot of companies and organizations have switched from printed materials to going all digital. The ones I've talked to say it's to cut costs. I had a feeling that when they went digital, they lost readership and response. The Internet marketing experts tell us that … [Read more...]

Hey, Get Your Behind in Gear

Do you know what October 1st was besides my wedding anniversary (31 years in case your interested)? It's the start of the the 4th quarter, the start of fall and almost the start of the holiday season. This is also the time you should be planning how you're going to end this year and start the … [Read more...]

One Way to Stop Lost Sales

Have any of your customers or prospects ever said to you, "I didn't know you did that?" This is usually said after you have found out that they used someone else for a service you do. Don't you just love it? I guess you never want to turn to them and say very loudly, "Of course I can do that, what … [Read more...]

Why I Do It – Masterminds and Conferences

Good Morning I just got back from a three-day Mastermind meeting. This coaching program meets three time a year and we have a conference call each month. I also go to at least three marketing conferences a year and am a member of another Mastermind group that meets for an afternoon once a … [Read more...]

What I learned on NPR about Adam Tanner

Good Morning The other day when I was driving from the post office after listening to the traffic and after I had heard the same news story for the third time, I switched the radio from the news station to the local NPR station. I was half listening when I heard the magic words "Life Time … [Read more...]

Lost Leader or Just Lost Money

Good Morning Are you selling products or sevices that don't make you any money and take up all your time? Some 20 years ago when I was first starting out, I did business cards for customers; I designed and printed them. I made about $15-$20 for 1,000 cards. I put in 2-3 hours of work for … [Read more...]

How to make your football program ads get you customers

Good Morning Yes, it's back to school time! This is the time of year that as business owners we get all those phone call and letters asking us to purchase "ads" in all kinds of school publications, like the football program. You have two choices when you purchase "ad space." You can … [Read more...]

Are Business Cards Still Relevant

I was at a chamber after-hours mixer when a friend who reads these great weekly marketing tips asked me a question: "Are business cards still relevant?" I thought about it, and my answer is yes. For networking or doing business with other business people, the business card is still … [Read more...]