March 9, 2025

You People Are All The Same!

Hi;  "All you people do the same thing. It doesn't matter who I use or where I buy, it's all the same. I always go with the lowest price because you're just a commodity!" How many times have you heard that or something like it? How often have you spent time with prospects, worked them through … [Read more...]

Be the business that stands out in your market

Have you ever noticed that in every industry there are one or two businesses that stand out among the others? They always have customers and are doing well no matter the time of year or the state of the economy. There is something about the business that draws you to it. You're not sure what it is, … [Read more...]

Element You Need in Your Offer

Good Morning   A few weeks ago I wrote about some elements that you need in your offer to get more customers for your business. This week I am going to mention a couple more.  Free gift/premium or bonus. These can add perceived value to your offer. In fact I know people who will purchase the offer … [Read more...]

Great Way to Piss off People and Here is a Freebe

Good Morning  Today in my mail I got 3 full-color catalogs from Lands' End. One was addressed to me, and the two others were addressed to people I do not know. I understand some companies send their stuff to everyone in a company, hoping they would hit the right people. This is the bomb them … [Read more...]

Don’t Spend Time With Your Peers!

Morning; I spend about 3 weeks a year at marketing conferences, and not one of them is with my industry peers. In fact I don't spend a lot of time with other direct mailers.  My time is valuable, just like yours, and I want to gain knowledge and new ways to market businesses so I can help you. I … [Read more...]

I Will Not Get Over It, I’m The Customer

Good Morning  I got a business card from a business owner the other day. She has the type of business that is usually a brick-and-mortar retail location. But on her business card, she listed only the company name, phone number, and web site.  No location or email address. The only way I can … [Read more...]