February 23, 2025

More People

Good Morning  My friend David who owns Forest Ridge Funeral Home is having an HEB Chamber networking breakfast (Good Morning HEB) next week. Getting lots of people to an early morning networking event is hard enough, but to get them to come to a funeral home? David knows this, and like the great … [Read more...]

Does It = $$$??

Good Morning  I was out and about the other day and saw a sign that read, "Please Like Us on Facebook." I know you have seen them as well. I've always wondered, "Why should I like you? What's in it for me?" A friend who has a client that uses Facebook a lot to promote says that it's a great way … [Read more...]

I’m Done

Good Morning  I'm done! I just finished attending a 2-day mastermind meeting from the coaching group I'm part of. If you do not have a coach or a mastermind group, you are missing a big asset to your business. A good coach can help you build and run your business to its best advantage. A … [Read more...]

Special Offer Corrected

Good Morning   Last week I wrote that I was now offering the Monthly Vitamin Pakand the Past Customer Recovery Program. I also informed you that only you are being offered a special deep discount; no one else will get this discount. I also told you that the discount … [Read more...]

Master Mind and Coaches

Good Day Where do you go to talk out ideas, thoughts, maybe even sensitive ones, that you have about your business? Will your employees, vendors, clients, friends or family give honest advice you need and want?  No, of course not! You need an impartial person or group of people. A mastermind … [Read more...]

Danger, Danger Will Robinson

Good Day This week I found out that someone has been using my business phone as their caller ID number. They are calling people and not leaving any message on their voice mail if they can't talk to them. People are calling the number (my number) that shows up on their caller ID and asking who … [Read more...]