March 9, 2025

Why Cross

Good Morning Over 25 years ago, I read a book by Jeff Slutsky called "Streetfighting: Low-cost advertising/promotion strategies for your small business." This book not only helped me get a job, it also taught me a lot about retail marketing as I started working in retail. When I became a store … [Read more...]

Not The Right Way

Good Morning It seems that every fall, my business picks up. People come back from vacations and realize that they need to get the word out about their business and they need to do it quickly. "How soon can you get my post card out?" is the call I get a lot. So I rearrange my schedule to fit … [Read more...]

You Need To Get Noticed, Now!

Good Morning   A lot of businesses, when they first start up, spend most if not all of their funds on getting set up: on rent, utilities, equipment, maybe a sign. Yes, you need a sign. As my sign friend says, "A business without a sign is a sign of no business."  Anyway, these new business owners … [Read more...]

I Got A .002% Response Rate, I’m Very Happy and You Would Be Too!

Good Morning   A few weeks ago I mailed out 889 post card promoting my printing and mailing services. So far I have gotten 2 responses and I'm very happy. You see, I don't really care about response rates, and you shouldn't either. Instead, I got better than a 3.5 to 1 return on investment,so … [Read more...]

How to Get More Customers

Good Morning Does this sound familiar? You need more customers and you have no idea how to get them in the door! How do you come up with the next great idea to bring them in? Talk to your friends and family? Talk to your "friendly competition"? Talk to your vendors or customers?  Really!  You … [Read more...]

What Else I Can Do To Get Referrals? Do You Really Want Them?

 Last week I wrote about ways to get more referrals. Here are some more ways to get more customers each month. Here is an easy one. Tell people what you want! Don't ask them to just give you a referral, tell them exactly what kind of referral you need and what they must do to get it to you.  You … [Read more...]