March 9, 2025

Email or Print?

Good Morning I got a call today from a long-time friend and client; he wanted us to send out his organization's end-of-year letter. As we talked, it reminded me of other groups, ones that switched from print to email. Over the years, groups and companies went from printed newsletters and … [Read more...]

Answering Phone

Good Morning,My business coach and friend had a saying AATP (Always Answer The Phone!). He got his start coaching businesses in his niche industry after years building his own business in that industry. He did a lot of work with small one-person business owners, those who did all the work, so when … [Read more...]

Election Marketing How You Can Use It

Good Morning,  Thank you to everyone who told me about someone who can help me with organizing my book. If you know someone and have not emailed me, please do so.Unless you have been living in a cave in the middle of nowhere, you know that we have entered into the election session. We are/will be … [Read more...]

What you can learn watching commercials

Good Day I was home early the other day. My back was still hurting and I was lying down watching the early local news. During the first commercial break the first ad up was for a very well known electrical company now advertising their new plumbing service. Near the end of the break the … [Read more...]

Clip & Save

Good Day   All your marketing materials whether on line or off line should include as many the following 13 most powerful words in the English language: You, Money, Guarantee, Love, Results, Proven, Safety, Free, Save, Easy, New, Health and Discovery. You should also include as many … [Read more...]

Are You Ready for 2018?

Good Day I hope that you had a great Christmas or Chanukah and got everything you wanted. I would like to wish you a very safe and Happy New Year! Are you ready for 2018? Reports so far for the holiday retail sales season has been the best in a number of years. Unemployment is at a record low, … [Read more...]