March 10, 2025

Let’s Make Some Money

Happy Valentine's Day I hope you all will have a very Happy Valentine's Day! Now let's make some money! This week I would like to talk about some of the elements that make for a successful offer. I believe that when you market your business, you should strive to generate a response, whether it's … [Read more...]

Do It Again And Again And Again…..

Good Morning When planning what kind of advertising you will be doing, don't plan on doing it just once! You must do it multiple times. When you use direct mail, don't send out post cards, flyer or sales letter just once. Send another mailing to the same group 3-4 weeks later and then a 3rd 3-4 … [Read more...]

I Got A .002% Response Rate, I’m Very Happy and You Would Be Too!

Good Morning   A few weeks ago I mailed out 889 post card promoting my printing and mailing services. So far I have gotten 2 responses and I'm very happy. You see, I don't really care about response rates, and you shouldn't either. Instead, I got better than a 3.5 to 1 return on investment,so … [Read more...]

Professional or Opened?

I received a call a while back from a business owner who wanted to send out a sales letter to a group of prospects that the business had never contacted before (cold call). They wanted to use their standard company envelope, the one with their company logo and address as the return address, and they … [Read more...]

Once Is Not Enough & Can’t Slap Him Upside The Head

I was told the other day when talking about contacting prospects: "Why should we send a second or third letter, flyer or postcard to the same prospects if they did not respond to the 1st one? Why waste the money to contact them again?" I did not slap the person upside the head, although I wanted … [Read more...]

Is the S.M.A.R.T. System For Your Business

Last week I told you a little bit about the new system that I have put together for your business. The S.M.A.R.T. System helps businesses reactivate past customers, keep current customers and attract more new customers than you can handle. S.M.A.R.T. stands for Serial Marketing with Automated … [Read more...]