March 9, 2025

Social Media Goals

Good Morning ,Almost all businesses use social media, but very few have defined goals for what they want their media to accomplish for them. Without defined goals, businesses are wasting time and money, and yours is probably one of them! But so are most businesses big and small, so don't feel too … [Read more...]

Hyper-Interested Customers

Good Day Contact First Name  Hyper-interested customers are customers who, as the name implies, are very interested in anything and everything you have to offer and in most cases will also buy almost everything you have to offer. In other words, your very very best customers. These are the … [Read more...]


Good Day  The checklist that I have been working on for the last few weeks is done. The title is: "7 Proven, Powerful Ways To Increase Income."   I am now building a web page for people to be able to download the checklist. I am using a Customer Relationship Management program that I will be … [Read more...]

What you can learn watching commercials

Good Day I was home early the other day. My back was still hurting and I was lying down watching the early local news. During the first commercial break the first ad up was for a very well known electrical company now advertising their new plumbing service. Near the end of the break the … [Read more...]

Marketing Mistakes

Good Day   Last week I wrote about the letters I got from Bruce Lowrie Chevrolet and how they were all the same.  Let me recap: Around December 27, I got a very cute and interesting sales letter from Kelly Peterson of Bruce Lowrie Chevrolet in Fort Worth. It was a form letter, but it was in … [Read more...]

You that you have at least one.

Good Day   Happy New Year and welcome to 2018! Most people plan out their New Year's resolutions the day before or on New Year's Day, just like they plan out what what they want to do with their business.  Maybe that's why I see ads for weight loss, exercise equipment and January sales! I also … [Read more...]