January 22, 2025

Events and Sales

Good Day A few weeks ago it was Tax Free Weekend in Texas. During the weekend an assortment of clothes and school related items are on sale tax free. Most stores have big back to schools sales that weekend. My daughter works in retail at a store that had nothing on the list of tax free items, … [Read more...]

On track for the end of the year

Good Day My wife, who teaches high school Spanish, is back in school this week and next for professional development. The week after, classes start. Summer is almost over. What does this have to do with promoting your business, you may wonder. It marks that almost 2/3 of the year is over. … [Read more...]

Sell or Buy?

Good Day I didn't need the plumber; the toilet is working! Which of these two questions do you most need to be able to answer? A. How do I sell? or B. Why do people buy? The answer: B. Why do people buy? People do not want to be sold to, but they do want to buy. And if you know why, you … [Read more...]

Lead Magnets – Not For Your Refrigerator

Good Day Contact First Name Last week I was going to write about lead magnets but got side- tracked. So let's talk about using lead magnets to build your email list before I get side-tracked again. A lead magnet is an item that attracts people to you, not unlike how a great refrigerator magnet … [Read more...]

You Better Know This or Else!

Good Day Over the years I have talked to a lot of business people. Here are the main questions I ask: Who's you best customer? How would you identify them? What would indicate that they would be a prospect for you? Here's a sample of answers I've gotten: Any business owner could use my … [Read more...]

Business Strategy

Good Day I'm putting together a marketing first-aid kit for small businesses to use when they need to bring in sales from their past and current customers. While gathering the many items and media for the first-aid kit, I remembered a principle I learned: A business should not be dependent on … [Read more...]