February 18, 2025

What Happens When???

Good Day Very early Wednesday morning, the tornado sirens went off and woke me up (we have one about 2 blocks from our house). I checked the weather reports and local radar and stayed up until the warning expired (about 25 minutes later). Then I tried to go back to sleep, but the rain and … [Read more...]

Lead Magnets – Not For Your Refrigerator

Good Day Contact First Name Last week I was going to write about lead magnets but got side- tracked. So let's talk about using lead magnets to build your email list before I get side-tracked again. A lead magnet is an item that attracts people to you, not unlike how a great refrigerator magnet … [Read more...]

You Better Know This or Else!

Good Day Over the years I have talked to a lot of business people. Here are the main questions I ask: Who's you best customer? How would you identify them? What would indicate that they would be a prospect for you? Here's a sample of answers I've gotten: Any business owner could use my … [Read more...]

Who’s In Charge Of Your Business, Not You!

Good Day This is the time of year that business owners make appointments to talk to their C.P.A. or accountant. Their talk is, or should be, about getting their information together for their taxes. Sometime the talk is about planning and the future of one's business. It's OK to get advice from … [Read more...]

Lists, Messages and The Mistake

Good Day I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year's. With all your planning for 2017 done, you're ready to start achieving your business goals. One of your goals is probably to increase sales. One of the ways this can be accomplished is to contact your current, past and future … [Read more...]

Improve Your Lead Gen System

Good Morning "Everyone is my customer" is a common refrain I hear from a lot of business owners. But we all know that not everyone is a customer. The big question is how do you separate the customers from the non customers? You don't wait until they contact you! You get the prospective customers … [Read more...]