March 18, 2025

Don’t Bore People With Your Intro

Good Morning; The other day I went to a leads group. The person in charge talked a bit about the 30 second introduction. In a future meeting he's going to talk more about what goes into an introduction. So this week I'm going to beat him to the punchline. Let me ask: How many times have you … [Read more...]

Need to get more business

Good Morning We just had the unofficial start of summer. This has been one of the biggest vacation weeks of the year. Lots of businesses slow down until Labor Day. Do you have such a business? If you don't and business picks up this time of year, good for you. You still might want to read … [Read more...]

You’re Let Sales Slip By

Increase Your Sales, Stop Losing Sales! How many times have you walked into a store, been greeted by a clerk who then asked if they could help you, and you said just looking and a little later walked out or went to a web site and left without contacting them? Now how many time does this … [Read more...]

Makeing Email Marketing Work

Morning; Late last week a client asked me how well email marketing works. They wanted to do some emailing to a list. They thought they could save some money and still get the response rate that they do. Before I tell you what I told them, here's a little background. They mail out a big glossy … [Read more...]

More Answers To Making Money From Your Web Site

Good Morning Last week I gave you the answers to some of the critical questions that your website needs to answer. I got the questions (I reworked them to fit your business) from my good friend Lisa Weber, RDH (Registered Dental Hygienist) and dental coach who is known as the $600KRDH … [Read more...]

How To Make Your Web Site A Marketing Machine For Your Business

Good Morning Last week I gave you the critical questions that your website needs to answer. I got the questions (I reworked them to fit your business) from my good friend Lisa Weber, RDH (Registered Dental Hygienist) and dental coach who is known as the $600KRDH ( This … [Read more...]

Does Your Web Site Answer These Question To Turn Vistors Into Customers?

Good Morning My good friend Lisa Weber, RDH (Registered Dental Hygienist) and dental coach who is known as the $600kRDH ( sent me some critical questions a dentist's website NEEDS to answer.  I reworked them to fit your business. These questions need to be answered to make … [Read more...]

Build Life Time Value In Your Customers

Good Morning One of the main themes of GKIC and the Marketing & Money-Making SuperConference, as well as what a friend and I talked about yesterday, is that you make a sale to get a customer instead of getting a customer to make a sale. What??? Most businesses go after customers to … [Read more...]

The Wheel, The Wheel

Good Morning I was going to write about what I learned at the GKIC Marketing & Money-Making SuperConference, but I got a phone call the other day that would make a better marketing tip. The call was from a friend who helps out a non-profit organization. He heard about another group that … [Read more...]

I’m learning from the best so you can be successful

Good Morning Today starts four days of learning and networking. I am attending GKIC Marketing & Money-Making SuperConference. The conference runs from 8 am till 8-9 pm most of the days. I've had people ask me why I go. The first reason is to learn more about direct response marketing … [Read more...]