March 10, 2025

Stop Steaming Me Up!

Good Morning I go to a lot of networking events, you know, events to meet other business people with the hopes of getting a few leads, maybe drum up some new business. If I'm really lucky, get something to eat.  What steams me up the most is when I'm talking to someone and I get to the point … [Read more...]

You Need To Get Noticed, Now!

Good Morning   A lot of businesses, when they first start up, spend most if not all of their funds on getting set up: on rent, utilities, equipment, maybe a sign. Yes, you need a sign. As my sign friend says, "A business without a sign is a sign of no business."  Anyway, these new business owners … [Read more...]

I Got A .002% Response Rate, I’m Very Happy and You Would Be Too!

Good Morning   A few weeks ago I mailed out 889 post card promoting my printing and mailing services. So far I have gotten 2 responses and I'm very happy. You see, I don't really care about response rates, and you shouldn't either. Instead, I got better than a 3.5 to 1 return on investment,so … [Read more...]

It’s About You, Not You, YOU!

When I say it's all about you, I don't mean you! I'm talking about your customer, client or patient. That means putting yourself into their shoes, feeling what they feel and doing what you need to do to let them know that. If that means keeping your doors open earlier and later so that they can come … [Read more...]

What You Can Learn From An Auto Dealer

COME ON DOWN, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! WE'RE MAKING ALL KINDS OF DEALS! OPEN LATE THROUGH LABOR DAY!!!!!!  Happy Pre-Labor Day.  Sorry about the loud statement. Sounds like the radio and television commercials for a local car dealer doesn't it?  But they know something most of us either must have … [Read more...]

Summer almost over, now what

Good Morning As the vacation season is coming to an end, most of us are getting back to running our businesses and realizing that we need to be getting our current, past and new customers back through the doors or getting the phones to ring. Now, before Labor Day, plan out your marketing for the … [Read more...]