February 22, 2025

Chapter 1 you and your business

Good Morning In this book I will try to be as honest as possible in exploring different marketing techniques and methods. At times I know that I will make you angry with what I suggest, especial when it goes against what you have been taught and your industry wisdom. If I do make you angry, maybe … [Read more...]

And Now For Something Completely Different

Good Morning Happy New Year and welcome back. Yes, the subject line is from Monty Python's Flying Circus and it speaks about what I am doing and how it affects you. Over the past couple of years I have been reading and attending seminars by many experts in my field. I have also purchased very … [Read more...]

Slow or Fast, Most People Do Slow Wrong

I was talking to my sales consultant about a marketing proposal for a would-be client, and he told me the same thing that I've heard before. They don't have a lot of money for marketing and they really are trying to build their business by doing referral marketing. The problem is that they are not … [Read more...]

Expose Yourself

Yes, you read the headline correctly. For almost two years now, I have been writing these weekly marketing tips. After talking with a number of people, I was told that these tips would be good in book form.  After my 100th weekly tip, I will be starting on that project. But I need some help … [Read more...]

3rd day of GKIC Social Media Money Magnet

[wpvideo nsf8c7Sq]Here is day 3. Want more contact me at tfc@freedcom.com. … [Read more...]

Learning how to make money for my business and your business using soical media

[wpvideo Anx25FzS]I'm at the Glazer-Kennedy insider's Circle Social Media Money magnet Seminar which runs from Monday Aug 9th till 5 pm Wed, Aug 11th . During the next 3 days I will be learning from 7 of the top social media super stars who actually make money with social media in their business. … [Read more...]