January 22, 2025

Just Wait and We’ll See What Happens… Guess What Happens?

I got back from 4 days of learning a lot of new cutting-edge marketing, but they also reviewed a lot of old school marketing and sales. We do not have to always use the latest and greatest cutting edge whiz bang thing to get customers to our door. In most cases, going back to the basics and doing … [Read more...]

Gkic meeting

I just finished making my presentation on the 7 things I learned from the 2011 Info Summit. If you were not here, which you were not you missed a lot of good information. A lot of other people also presented a good deal of information as well. I guess I got about $1,000 worth of information on how … [Read more...]

Is It Really a Great Deal

I'm back from the GKIC Information Marketing Summit in Atlanta. I learned the latest in marketing information-based products and services. I filled up over 17 pages with notes, plus a notebook full of information from a 5-hour special seminar on game changers presented by Dan Kennedy. You might … [Read more...]

It’s Too Hard

I was at the local chapter meeting of GKIC the other night, and the subject of thank-you cards came up. Out of the group that was there, only a few sent out thank-you cards. Those that did, sent them out only once for their new customers, not for every purchase that customer makes. One person … [Read more...]

Glazer-Kennedy Info-Marketing Summit 1st day

It the end of the 1st day of the Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle Info-Marketing Summit. I am in Baltimore , Inner Harbor area. The summit starts at 8 am  and ran until 8:30 in the evening.  Dan Kennedy started with a talk title "build it right and they will come" He gave us a basic rundown on the … [Read more...]