March 9, 2025

Are you standing around with baited breath?

Did you or someone you work with ever make the comment, "We contacted them once, and they did not respond; why should we waste money contacting them again?"  Because the truth is, people are not standing around with baited breath waiting for your message to arrive. I'm sorry, but it's … [Read more...]

Here’s The Secret To Getting More Business!

Good Morning   Business owners want to know the "Number 1 Secret" that will get them more business through the door. With this one strategy they will jump ahead of their competition and put money in the bank. It's the key to unlocking everything.  Well the secret is that there is no one secret. … [Read more...]

Marketing & Advertising Doesn’t Work Without Following These

Good Morning Today I would like to share one of the many things I learned at the GKIC SuperConference I recently attended. These are rules you need to follow when crafting your marketing message. This applies to all types of media. Dan Kennedy Top 10 Money Making Rules.  #1 There will always … [Read more...]

Clean Up and Put Money In Your Pocket At The Same Time

Good Morning It's spring time. Do you know what that means? Spring cleaning! "What does spring cleaning have to do with marketing and growing my business?" you're thinking. Well, now is a good time to clean up your database of current and past customers. You know, get rid of duplicates and … [Read more...]

Why Are You Here? It’s Not To Get Business Obviously.

Good Morning One of the leads group that I go to does a networking tip of the week. This week, I gave the tip and would like to tell it to you here.  Have you ever gone to a networking event where you had to RSVP, maybe had to get a ticket, and pay a fee? Now you're talking to someone and are … [Read more...]

Element You Need in Your Offer

Good Morning   A few weeks ago I wrote about some elements that you need in your offer to get more customers for your business. This week I am going to mention a couple more.  Free gift/premium or bonus. These can add perceived value to your offer. In fact I know people who will purchase the offer … [Read more...]