March 10, 2025

Keep Your Customer Yours!

Good Morning During introductions at one of the networking groups (HEB Power Networking, Wednesday 11:30 am  Mexican Inn Cafe, Bedford, all are welcome to attend) I attend, one of the members said that some of his contacts at companies he does business with have left those companies. He went on … [Read more...]

Get Cheap Money

Good Morning I got a letter in the mail a few days ago asking me to come back. I was a customer of a service we used at home and discontinued a few years ago. They offered us a very low price for the first 12 months of service. They will also give us a $100 VISA gift card. Wow! Then I got a post … [Read more...]

Swipe Files, Why You Should Have One or More

Good Morning When talking with new clients about what they want as far as advertising/marketing their business, I ask if they have examples of what they like. In most cases I get a no or a hmm, or what are you talking about? I tell them that they should have a swipe file of things they like … [Read more...]

What The Post Office and Printers Will Keep From You So You’ll Waste Money

Good Morning Contact First Name A client sent me an email asking about the post office's Every Door Direct Mail program (EDDM). Someone told them about it and they wanted my opinion about it. Before I tell you what I said, some basic background about the client: They sell a product to a very … [Read more...]

Save money and get customers

Good Morning Want to save some money? Do you send out newsletters, sales letters, flyers or maybe post cards to your customers and prospects? If you're not, why not? Do you send out 200 or more of them? If you do, then you can cut your postage in half. By sending your mail as Automation … [Read more...]

Developing a better sales message

Good Morning Last week I wrote that you need to develop a profile or avatar of your best customer and multiply them. This week: your advertising message to these customers. When most businesses buy ads, they will let the person who's selling the ad and their graphics staff put together the ad. … [Read more...]