February 5, 2025

Social Media I

Good Morning,I was looking up information about social media for this tip and found numerous lists of the top 10 social media. I knew most of them, but one that caught me off guard was QQ. QQ is the parent company of WeChat and is an instant messaging platform that is extremely popular among young … [Read more...]


Good Morning,Happy New Year; Welcome to 2021!I saw it on television, heard it on the radio and even saw it in print. Businesses trying to get customers, especially first time customers. The businesses offered discounts/special coupons. These specials were for new or first time customers only. I have … [Read more...]

Your Black Friday Offer

Good Morning,A week from tomorrow is Black Friday! For most big retailers Black Friday this year is not just one day, it's every day all month long. They have been have been dripping out Black Friday specials all month long. Walmart had big screen TVs on sale last week as an example of this.With the … [Read more...]

Who Appreciate You Baby!

Good Morning ,Two weeks ago I had a booth at the HEB Chamber Business Expo. I had a drawing for some prizes, and the winners were Kristie Hanhart of Kristie's Cleaning Service, Joseph Miller of TMT Spa, and Shawndi Purselly of Armstrong Purselley Wealth Management Group. In addition, everyone who … [Read more...]

Customer Service

Good Morning,I've been in business now a long time, and before starting my business I was in retail. Growing up I worked (whether I wanted to or not) in my family restaurant. One of the rules during all those years was, when someone has a problem you try to solve it.I order supplies for my business … [Read more...]

Make It Easy to Remember

Good Morning,Last week we had a a tune up/check up done on our air conditioning unit; and I wanted to try the company from which we'd won a free UV light a few years ago to do the work and replace the old light. The sticker on the unit states that the light should be replaced every 2 years to be … [Read more...]