Good Day An old friend of mine recently had a magazine article written about her. Gayle Carson, who calls herself the Spunky Old Broad and who founded the SOB movement, is a strategy coach and radio host who specializes in helping women over 50 discover as well as utilize their talents and … [Read more...]
Sizzling Summer Special
We are entering what is known as the Dog Days of Summer, the time of summer when not only your garden dries up but also sales! Get the word out about your specials with Full Color Jumbo Post Cards: 100 - 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 post cards full color on both sides for only $25.00! Need more … [Read more...]
Free Special Diagnostic Tool
Good Day Let me ask you a question: Is your business off? You know, you have the feeling that something is wrong or you know something is wrong but are just not sure how to get it back on track? Over the past 20 plus years I have helped a lot of businesses increase sales, get more customers … [Read more...]
Cheap Mailing $.154
Good Day A friend of mine was telling me about how he can mail to the people he wanted for about $.154 each in postage. I told him yes, he can mail for that price; it's a service the Postal Service provides called Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM). I also told him that EDDM will deliver to every … [Read more...]
Bills Still Come In, So Promote!
Good Day Summer is here! This weekend we in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas will have temperatures that will hit 100 and above. Makes you thankful for AC. I have a new car that has great AC! The AC in my almost 16-year-old van with 250,000 plus miles died 2 weeks ago. That, the bad head … [Read more...]
Bomb or Rifle?
Good Day Last week I wrote about making a sale to get a customer or getting a customer to make a sale. This week let's take a step back and address how to get that customer. We know that to get the customer to take action, you need the right message using the correct media and going to the … [Read more...]