January 22, 2025

Testimonials How To Use Them

Good Day Third party testimonials can add credibility to your business when used correctly. Most businesses do not use them properly, and it can do more harm than good. The elements of a good testimonial should include the person's full name, business if it's a business testimonial and the … [Read more...]

Your Business is Boring

Good Day Have you ever been to a restaurant that had good food, good service, but nothing really outstanding? Maybe one so unremarkable you don't really remember the name of the place? If not a restaurant, possibly a place you've done business with, if you can even recall it? They were boring. … [Read more...]

Direct Mail Is A Waste!

Good Day I was going to write about how you can build your email list by using lead magnets, but when I picked up my mail, I got a letter from a warehouse club owned by a big box retailer. This letter was addressed to my old frozen margarita rental business, which was closed down 4 or 5 years … [Read more...]

Big Money Here!

Good Day I talk to a lot of business owners, and one of the things that they seem not to appreciate is the value of their customer and prospect lists. They seem to think that the big money assets of their business is the facility, equipment or inventory. Not true! When businesses buy other … [Read more...]

Lists, Messages and The Mistake

Good Day I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year's. With all your planning for 2017 done, you're ready to start achieving your business goals. One of your goals is probably to increase sales. One of the ways this can be accomplished is to contact your current, past and future … [Read more...]

Improve Your Lead Gen System

Good Morning "Everyone is my customer" is a common refrain I hear from a lot of business owners. But we all know that not everyone is a customer. The big question is how do you separate the customers from the non customers? You don't wait until they contact you! You get the prospective customers … [Read more...]