January 11, 2025

Cold Calling, Why You Do It.

Good Morning No one really likes doing cold calling, whether in person (door knocking) or on the phone (dialing for dollars). OK, I have met a few people over the past 20 years who like it, but I'll write about them at a later date. So, why do most business people and their sales staff do … [Read more...]

Forget The Texting or Emails This Is Better

Good Morning A handwritten note to customers, prospects or anyone you meet is a great way to contact and stay in contact with them. It's better than an email or text. A handwritten note is personal and shows that you took the time to do it. You care. People notice things like that and it helps … [Read more...]

More About Your Customer

Good Morning You are able to view past pages of my new book under the tab "My BS" at: www.TheFreedmanCompany.com This week - How to find out more about your customer and why they buy from you. The first thing you must do is build a database of your customers. Include not only name and … [Read more...]

Chapter 2 You’re Wasting Money By Not knowing Your Customer

Good Morning You are able to view past pages of my new book under the tab "My BS" at: www.TheFreedmanCompany.com Most businesses have no idea who their customer is or why the customer does business with them. The owner will assume they know as much as they need to know and go on from … [Read more...]

Start laying out your marketing/advertising/business building strategies for 2015

Good Morning This will be the last marketing tip for the year. Yes, I know you will be so sad and heartbroken. You will not know how to get along without these great and wonderful tips for the next two weeks. The tips will be back on January 8, but until then this will have to do. If your … [Read more...]

Business Owners, Why Do You Keep Wasting Money On Social Media Marketing?

Good Morning You may have been told that you need to be marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, Pinterest, Texting and all the rest if you want more business. Social media is the way to make sales, you were told. That might true for a very few businesses. A June 2014 poll from Gallup … [Read more...]