February 23, 2025

Birthday Promotion

Good Morning (Contact First Name)  Last night I picked up my free small pizza from Jet's Pizza. I got the free pizza because I had my birthday earlier this month, and Jet's sent me a post card with 2 punch-out coupons, one for a small pizza and the other for $5 off any purchase of $15 or … [Read more...]

Hyper-Interested Customers

Good Day Contact First Name  Hyper-interested customers are customers who, as the name implies, are very interested in anything and everything you have to offer and in most cases will also buy almost everything you have to offer. In other words, your very very best customers. These are the … [Read more...]

Lead Magnets Which One?

Good Day Like everyone else, I need to keep my marketing funnel full. I do this through the use of lead magnets. Lead magnets are things I give away to people in order to get their name, company name and email or physical address (if I'm sending something to them through the mail). Currently, I … [Read more...]

Denny Hatch Great Story

Good Day The following story is from the marketing blog of Denny Hatch, renowned publisher,marketing expert, and copywriter: "Frank Brock was president, First Bank of Troy, Idaho. In 1960 Troy’s population was 555. Frank Brock’s bank had 6,000 active accounts. He had customers in 45 … [Read more...]

Clip & Save

Good Day   All your marketing materials whether on line or off line should include as many the following 13 most powerful words in the English language: You, Money, Guarantee, Love, Results, Proven, Safety, Free, Save, Easy, New, Health and Discovery. You should also include as many … [Read more...]

The Other Side of Name Tags

Good Day  Two weeks ago (April 12, 2018) I wrote about my friend and what he thought about name tags at networking events. He does not like name tags because he thinks that people use them to qualify or eliminate people before even interacting with the wearer. I got a call from my friend and … [Read more...]