March 9, 2025

Bomb or Rifle?

Good Day Last week I wrote about making a sale to get a customer or getting a customer to make a sale. This week let's take a step back and address how to get that customer. We know that to get the customer to take action, you need the right message using the correct media and going to the … [Read more...]

Transactional or Relationship?

Good Day Get a customer to make a sale or...make a sale to get a customer? The way you answer this question depends on how you run your company and promote it. First part "get a customer to make sale," is transactional marketing. That is, all you really care about is making the sale. These … [Read more...]

Great Way To Waste Money!

Good Day I'm at that age where I'm getting invited to dinners from retirement planners. Good dinners, too, at places like Texas Land & Cattle, Pappadeaux's, Jr's Steak & Grill and more.  Wow FREE meals for me and my wife. In fact last week I got 2 invitations on the same day; one was … [Read more...]

Wrong Customers?

Good Morning  It should take only a few minutes to read this weekly email, so stop what you're doing, grab a pen and paper to make some notes on what action you will take by reading this email. My parents would sometimes say about a person that they don't have two pennies to rub together. The … [Read more...]

Be the pre-eminent choice in the mind of your customers.

Good Morning I'm working on a special presentation about the seven mistakes that small businesses make that prevent them from standing out from their crowded market and eliminating their competition to become the ONLY, pre-eminent choice in the mind of their customers.  I came across a lot of … [Read more...]

I Got A .002% Response Rate, I’m Very Happy and You Would Be Too!

Good Morning   A few weeks ago I mailed out 889 post card promoting my printing and mailing services. So far I have gotten 2 responses and I'm very happy. You see, I don't really care about response rates, and you shouldn't either. Instead, I got better than a 3.5 to 1 return on investment,so … [Read more...]