May 21, 2024

Reconnect with your email list

Good Day  Before I get to this week's marketing tip I want to share an email I got from my friend Larry Forbes: "I started A Little Love From Texas several years ago, which allows people to put gift cards into the hands of the people who need it most after a disaster NO STRINGS ATTACHED … [Read more...]

Events and Sales

Good Day A few weeks ago it was Tax Free Weekend in Texas. During the weekend an assortment of clothes and school related items are on sale tax free. Most stores have big back to schools sales that weekend. My daughter works in retail at a store that had nothing on the list of tax free items, … [Read more...]

On track for the end of the year

Good Day My wife, who teaches high school Spanish, is back in school this week and next for professional development. The week after, classes start. Summer is almost over. What does this have to do with promoting your business, you may wonder. It marks that almost 2/3 of the year is over. … [Read more...]

My Mastermind Groups

Good Day I just got done with my two-day mastermind meeting. Phew! I got a list of great books I need to purchase and read. By the way, do you know that most CEOs read 5-6 books a year, while most people read only 1-2 per year. I got pages of notes, including web sites to look at and online … [Read more...]

Sell or Buy?

Good Day I didn't need the plumber; the toilet is working! Which of these two questions do you most need to be able to answer? A. How do I sell? or B. Why do people buy? The answer: B. Why do people buy? People do not want to be sold to, but they do want to buy. And if you know why, you … [Read more...]

Testimonials How To Use Them

Good Day Third party testimonials can add credibility to your business when used correctly. Most businesses do not use them properly, and it can do more harm than good. The elements of a good testimonial should include the person's full name, business if it's a business testimonial and the … [Read more...]