March 18, 2025

Easy Way To Get More Sales , But You Won’t Do It!

I've taken a new approach when helping owners advertise/market their business. I will be real honest with them and tell them what they don't want to hear: If you want to get more sales, then you are going to have to spend money to get them. That means you have to be willing and able to do so. Also I … [Read more...]

Don’t Be Wimpy , Grow A Pair!

Good Morning Do you want your advertising to work, I mean really work? Do you want to get your customers to spend more money and do it more often? Then you need to make your ads bold and plainly to the point. Tell people why they should buy from you; give them a real reason.  Make it easy … [Read more...]

See what happens when you open yourself

Good Morning Monday I got back from a four day marketing boot camp followed by a two day coaching mastermind meeting. For months now I have been trying to put together a monthly marketing support program and the core product that goes with it. No one service or product that I currently … [Read more...]

Integration of your media and make money

Good Morning My wife just completed the last of a series of on-line courses she needed in order to get her regular teaching certification. The course was Web2.0. For this course she had to create a blog, use Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and a host of other web apps and connect them to her … [Read more...]

Save money and get customers

Good Morning Want to save some money? Do you send out newsletters, sales letters, flyers or maybe post cards to your customers and prospects? If you're not, why not? Do you send out 200 or more of them? If you do, then you can cut your postage in half. By sending your mail as Automation … [Read more...]

Stop Send Out Junk Mail

Good Morning The other day a letter came to my business. It had my company's name on it, but it was addressed to someone else. The name on it was someone I don't know. As if that were not bad enough, the sales letter assumed that the person it was addressed to was interested and wanted their … [Read more...]

Media Mistake in Marketing Your Business

Good Morning For the past two weeks I've written about developing a profile of your best customers, finding more of them and sending your personalized message to them. Now, let's cover the last big mistake - media. You have to match the media to your audience. Let me say that again: Match … [Read more...]

Developing a better sales message

Good Morning Last week I wrote that you need to develop a profile or avatar of your best customer and multiply them. This week: your advertising message to these customers. When most businesses buy ads, they will let the person who's selling the ad and their graphics staff put together the ad. … [Read more...]

People waste a lot of money on advertising

Good Morning I was going through some of my advertising/marketing reference materials to develop a couple of new products and got thinking about why most advertising does not work. Here are the mistakes most businesses make and the correct method. Who are you selling to?  Unless you're selling … [Read more...]

Time To Get Back To Work

Good Morning I hope that everyone had great and restful holidays and you're all ready to get back to work. I've talked to a number of business owners who came back and then realized that they had very little business and plenty of bills due. So with that in mind, … [Read more...]