Good Morning A few weeks ago I wrote about some elements that you need in your offer to get more customers for your business. This week I am going to mention a couple more. Free gift/premium or bonus. These can add perceived value to your offer. In fact I know people who will purchase the offer … [Read more...]
Another Voice about Direct Mail Myths
Here are a few Direct Mail Myth I hear all the time and Why they are just wrong, Check it out at this link. It's from a good friend of mine. … [Read more...]
Don’t Spend Time With Your Peers!
Morning; I spend about 3 weeks a year at marketing conferences, and not one of them is with my industry peers. In fact I don't spend a lot of time with other direct mailers. My time is valuable, just like yours, and I want to gain knowledge and new ways to market businesses so I can help you. I … [Read more...]
I Will Not Get Over It, I’m The Customer
Good Morning I got a business card from a business owner the other day. She has the type of business that is usually a brick-and-mortar retail location. But on her business card, she listed only the company name, phone number, and web site. No location or email address. The only way I can … [Read more...]
Let’s Make Some Money
Happy Valentine's Day I hope you all will have a very Happy Valentine's Day! Now let's make some money! This week I would like to talk about some of the elements that make for a successful offer. I believe that when you market your business, you should strive to generate a response, whether it's … [Read more...]
Good Morning I was talking to someone the other day who requested the FREE marketing event catalogue that I offer at the end of these emails and was wondering why I never sent it to her. I looked at them with a "Huh?" look (you know the look) and told her I never got her email. Well she looked at … [Read more...]
Here’s The Next Big Thing to Get Customer!
Looking for the next big thing that will bring in all the customers that you need? You are not going to get all your customers from one marketing method unless you want only a few customers at a time. There is also the risk that your one method might stop working or something happens that you … [Read more...]
Are You A Wimp?
Good Morning The other day I got a sales letter. Besides being boring and giving me no reason to buy, the person ended the letter with this: 'If you are interested in finding out more about X, please contact me. Sincerely.' If this wasn't a wimpy close, I don't know what is. In fact if … [Read more...]
Do What I Say, Not What I Do
Good Morning Yes, I'll admit it, I'm a hypocrite and I am not proud of it. There, I said it. I am bad at walking the walk. I talk a lot about how we should set aside time each week from working in our business to work on our business. But I am one of those who do not do that. While … [Read more...]