Good Day The other day I got a very nice post card in the mail. It had nice graphics and colors and that's about it. The bullet point type was about 8 point type which was too small for my eyes. But the main thing I noticed or not noticed was that there was no strong call to action. The call to … [Read more...]
Losing Prospects!
Good Day Contact First Name I have nothing against looking for a good deal or even price shopping; hey, I even clip coupons for my weekly grocery shopping! But one of the things I have learned over the years, and usually the hard way, is not to go cheap! You end up paying for it over and over … [Read more...]
Sales Funnels
Good Day We all have marketing/sales funnels. For some it might be Facebook posts informing readers about their products or services (think restaurants posting the day's specials), cold calls with a simple sale flyer or leave behind, maybe with a call to action but in most cases no call to … [Read more...]
‘Avoid An Audit’ Will Make You Money
Good Day It's almost tax day. This year the day is April 18, the day we all dread. And you know what happens if you don't file: you have to deal with the IRS and maybe risk an audit. Why am I bringing all this up? Other than to remind you of your legal obligation, I bring this up because it's … [Read more...]