April 24, 2024

Get Your Emails Opened

Good Morning   76 of every 100 emails are immediately trashed and never read!That's 55 TRILLION unopened emails per year worldwide! Your emails are part of that group. Most people spend time working on their email message, making sure it's clear and perfect. But when it comes to the subject … [Read more...]

Talk & Communicate

Good Day I'm putting together a talk on the 7 Warning Signs of Lost Customer Syndrome. As I was writing it, I came upon #6 "You have not reached out to current or past customers in the past 6 months."  This got me thinking that a lot of businesses are killing themselves because of … [Read more...]

1st Quarter Results

Good Day Guess what. This week my wife got the same letter from the auto dealer. We are now up to 6 of the same letter. Today starts the last month of the 1st quarter of 2018. Now is the time to plan out how you are going to bring in business for the next quarter. It's also the time to look … [Read more...]

Wasting Money Foolishly

Good Day I usually do not name people or companies in these tips, but this week I will. Around December 27, I got a very cute and interesting sales letter from Kelly Peterson of Bruce Lowrie Chevrolet in Fort Worth. It was a form letter, but it was in a very nice handwritten font on what … [Read more...]

Marketing Mistakes

Good Day   Last week I wrote about the letters I got from Bruce Lowrie Chevrolet and how they were all the same.  Let me recap: Around December 27, I got a very cute and interesting sales letter from Kelly Peterson of Bruce Lowrie Chevrolet in Fort Worth. It was a form letter, but it was in … [Read more...]

When you get sick

Good Day  This is the season that people are out with either a cold or the flu. What do you do when you are sick? Take the time off and let your business suffer, go in and carry on as if you're not sick, or something in-between?  An old friend of mine once said that it takes 3 days to recover … [Read more...]