March 9, 2025

Emails Deleted, Missed Sales!

Good Day  Last week I was at my multi-day mastermind meeting, and it was great. If you really want to get ahead, you need to have a coach and be part of one or more mastermind groups. I purchased a new laptop with Windows 10 (currently using a computer running XP). I've moved some programs … [Read more...]

Marketing Mistakes

Good Day   Last week I wrote about the letters I got from Bruce Lowrie Chevrolet and how they were all the same.  Let me recap: Around December 27, I got a very cute and interesting sales letter from Kelly Peterson of Bruce Lowrie Chevrolet in Fort Worth. It was a form letter, but it was in … [Read more...]

Buyer’s Remorse, How To Reduce It!

Good Day Contact First Name  If you've been in business for any amount of time, you've had returns, charge backs or other undesirable costs associated with returns, not to mention the lost sales. Here is a way to counteract buyer's remorse and reduce return rates: First you want to thank … [Read more...]

No Virus, Ransomware This Way

Good Day  Not using a Mac! Viruses, Malware, Ransomware have all been in the news prominently in the past few weeks. We have been warned not to open emails with attachments from people we don't know. Don't click on links from emails we're not sure about or even from people we know. Watch where … [Read more...]

Need An Idea – Swipe File

Good Day Need a new way to promote your business? A headline or starting line for a sales letter or flyer? Idea for a Facebook or LinkedIn post? Where do you go to get inspiration? Friends, neighbors, family? Maybe, but you would be better off going to your swipe or idea file.  A swipe file … [Read more...]

Your Email Could Win $50

Good Day I'm giving away a $50 gift card, details are below, but first this.... I get calls from people who need a list because they want to conduct email campaigns to businesses or individuals.  Here is what I tell them and anyone thinking of emailing people cold. Before I tell you, let me … [Read more...]