March 9, 2025

Lead Magnets – Not For Your Refrigerator

Good Day Contact First Name Last week I was going to write about lead magnets but got side- tracked. So let's talk about using lead magnets to build your email list before I get side-tracked again. A lead magnet is an item that attracts people to you, not unlike how a great refrigerator magnet … [Read more...]

Tips to boost your response rates

Good Day Here are two quick tips to boost your response rates. 1. When planning to do mailings, make sure your initial and follow-up mailings are no more than 14 days apart, 7 is better. Otherwise, people will completely forget what they received before. If you're worried about people who have … [Read more...]

Business slow 3 tips to boost sales

Good Day Business is slow, it's the middle of summer and the year is half over. Let me tell you something you don't know! Today I got a letter from TXU Energy!  These letters come about once a month. (Good for them for reaching out more than once. 44% of sales departments and businesses give … [Read more...]

How you Get Customers

Good Day Do you want 100 customers from one method of promoting your business or do you want 1 customer each from 100 different methods? Think about the answer a moment while I tell you a story. Years ago, one of the best methods to get new business was to call people from around 5 pm till … [Read more...]

Need To Do It More Than Once!

Good Day Along with a friend, I am developing an email campaign to introduce a service/product to cold prospects (people who have not been contacted before). The other people that we are working with are using a simpler model (basically a one email campaign directing people to an appointment … [Read more...]

Know, Like & Trust

Good Day Have you ever gotten multiple emails or phone calls from a business and they hound you to do business with them. They might tell you they have the lowest prices, the best customer service. If they sent me information I might keep it, but I might not. Now the business person I meet … [Read more...]