March 10, 2025

Selfies and LinkedIn

Good Day The other day I was on LinkedIn, and I noticed that some people are using selfies as their profile photo. It might be OK for someone's personal Facebook page, but not for LinkedIn. LinkedIn is all about business, not what you are eating for dinner or what game you're playing. People … [Read more...]

Your Email Could Win $50

Good Day I'm giving away a $50 gift card, details are below, but first this.... I get calls from people who need a list because they want to conduct email campaigns to businesses or individuals.  Here is what I tell them and anyone thinking of emailing people cold. Before I tell you, let me … [Read more...]

What Happens When???

Good Day Very early Wednesday morning, the tornado sirens went off and woke me up (we have one about 2 blocks from our house). I checked the weather reports and local radar and stayed up until the warning expired (about 25 minutes later). Then I tried to go back to sleep, but the rain and … [Read more...]

Your Business is Boring

Good Day Have you ever been to a restaurant that had good food, good service, but nothing really outstanding? Maybe one so unremarkable you don't really remember the name of the place? If not a restaurant, possibly a place you've done business with, if you can even recall it? They were boring. … [Read more...]

Lead Magnets – Not For Your Refrigerator

Good Day Contact First Name Last week I was going to write about lead magnets but got side- tracked. So let's talk about using lead magnets to build your email list before I get side-tracked again. A lead magnet is an item that attracts people to you, not unlike how a great refrigerator magnet … [Read more...]

Direct Mail Is A Waste!

Good Day I was going to write about how you can build your email list by using lead magnets, but when I picked up my mail, I got a letter from a warehouse club owned by a big box retailer. This letter was addressed to my old frozen margarita rental business, which was closed down 4 or 5 years … [Read more...]