March 10, 2025

Losing Prospects!

Good Day Contact First Name I have nothing against looking for a good deal or even price shopping; hey, I even clip coupons for my weekly grocery shopping! But one of the things I have learned over the years, and usually the hard way, is not to go cheap! You end up paying for it over and over … [Read more...]

Sizzling Summer Special

We are entering what is known as the Dog Days of Summer, the time of summer when not only your garden dries up but also sales! Get the word out about your specials with Full Color Jumbo Post Cards: 100 - 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 post cards full color on both sides for only $25.00! Need more … [Read more...]

Business slow 3 tips to boost sales

Good Day Business is slow, it's the middle of summer and the year is half over. Let me tell you something you don't know! Today I got a letter from TXU Energy!  These letters come about once a month. (Good for them for reaching out more than once. 44% of sales departments and businesses give … [Read more...]

Cheap Mailing $.154

Good Day A friend of mine was telling me about how he can mail to the people he wanted for about $.154 each in postage. I told him yes, he can mail for that price; it's a service the Postal Service provides called Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM). I also told him that EDDM will deliver to every … [Read more...]

Bomb or Rifle?

Good Day Last week I wrote about making a sale to get a customer or getting a customer to make a sale. This week let's take a step back and address how to get that customer. We know that to get the customer to take action, you need the right message using the correct media and going to the … [Read more...]

How to Get Leads & Referrals

Good Day A lot of us go to leads, networking, meetup, BNI, chamber or other groups that business people gather at to get to know one another and maybe get business from. We all hope for some good leads and maybe a great referral, but we don't know how to ask for them. When you attend, have a … [Read more...]