February 23, 2025

10 best words

Good Day I have been reviewing a WordStream report on their analysis of 612 of the best ads from the past year.  One of the sections dealt with the most popular words used. The words, leaving out conjunctions (and, or) and articles (a, the) are in order: 1) Your 2) Free 3) Now 4) Get 5) … [Read more...]

Smart Lawyer, Smart Marketing

Good Day Sounds like the start of another lawyer joke, but in this case it's not! It's about a very smart lawyer who knows how to market his practice, and we can all learn from it. Before I start let me tell you that in over 20 years, I can't recall having ever seen anyone do what W. Bradley … [Read more...]

Sell or Buy?

Good Day I didn't need the plumber; the toilet is working! Which of these two questions do you most need to be able to answer? A. How do I sell? or B. Why do people buy? The answer: B. Why do people buy? People do not want to be sold to, but they do want to buy. And if you know why, you … [Read more...]

Testimonials How To Use Them

Good Day Third party testimonials can add credibility to your business when used correctly. Most businesses do not use them properly, and it can do more harm than good. The elements of a good testimonial should include the person's full name, business if it's a business testimonial and the … [Read more...]

Selfies and LinkedIn

Good Day The other day I was on LinkedIn, and I noticed that some people are using selfies as their profile photo. It might be OK for someone's personal Facebook page, but not for LinkedIn. LinkedIn is all about business, not what you are eating for dinner or what game you're playing. People … [Read more...]

Losing Prospects!

Good Day Contact First Name I have nothing against looking for a good deal or even price shopping; hey, I even clip coupons for my weekly grocery shopping! But one of the things I have learned over the years, and usually the hard way, is not to go cheap! You end up paying for it over and over … [Read more...]