Good Morning I'm working on a special presentation about the seven mistakes that small businesses make that prevent them from standing out from their crowded market and eliminating their competition to become the ONLY, pre-eminent choice in the mind of their customers. I came across a lot of … [Read more...]
Having A better Mouse Trap Alone Will Not Get You Sales
Good Morning I talk to a lot of people about the development of the message that they are going to send out to their targeted market. Most of the time, their message is: Here I am. This is what we do; so you should buy from me. With people being bombarded with thousands of messages … [Read more...]
Do It Again And Again And Again…..
Good Morning When planning what kind of advertising you will be doing, don't plan on doing it just once! You must do it multiple times. When you use direct mail, don't send out post cards, flyer or sales letter just once. Send another mailing to the same group 3-4 weeks later and then a 3rd 3-4 … [Read more...]
Why Cross
Good Morning Over 25 years ago, I read a book by Jeff Slutsky called "Streetfighting: Low-cost advertising/promotion strategies for your small business." This book not only helped me get a job, it also taught me a lot about retail marketing as I started working in retail. When I became a store … [Read more...]
Not The Right Way
Good Morning It seems that every fall, my business picks up. People come back from vacations and realize that they need to get the word out about their business and they need to do it quickly. "How soon can you get my post card out?" is the call I get a lot. So I rearrange my schedule to fit … [Read more...]
Stop Steaming Me Up!
Good Morning I go to a lot of networking events, you know, events to meet other business people with the hopes of getting a few leads, maybe drum up some new business. If I'm really lucky, get something to eat. What steams me up the most is when I'm talking to someone and I get to the point … [Read more...]
You Need To Get Noticed, Now!
Good Morning A lot of businesses, when they first start up, spend most if not all of their funds on getting set up: on rent, utilities, equipment, maybe a sign. Yes, you need a sign. As my sign friend says, "A business without a sign is a sign of no business." Anyway, these new business owners … [Read more...]
I Got A .002% Response Rate, I’m Very Happy and You Would Be Too!
Good Morning A few weeks ago I mailed out 889 post card promoting my printing and mailing services. So far I have gotten 2 responses and I'm very happy. You see, I don't really care about response rates, and you shouldn't either. Instead, I got better than a 3.5 to 1 return on investment,so … [Read more...]
GET THE WORD OUT SPECIAL! 250 - 8 1/2 x 11 2-sided full-color tri-fold flyers, tabbed, addressed and mailed for only $227, and that includes POSTAGE. So get the word out about your business NOW! Call me at 817-282-0443 or email me at to get started! … [Read more...]
Where is your ship?
A few days ago I was reading a fax I get every week (Yes, I said FAX!) on marketing and other subjects. Part of the fax talked about excuses people use for not achieving their goals. I think the number 1 excuse is that most people have no goals. But that's another subject for another time. The … [Read more...]