March 10, 2025

1st Quarter Results

Good Day Guess what. This week my wife got the same letter from the auto dealer. We are now up to 6 of the same letter. Today starts the last month of the 1st quarter of 2018. Now is the time to plan out how you are going to bring in business for the next quarter. It's also the time to look … [Read more...]

PMF – Do You Have It?

Good Day Have you ever seen a company launch a new product or service and asked yourself, "why did they do that?" Then you watch as a few weeks or months later they withdraw it from the marketplace? Sometimes, though, a new product or service hits the market, and it's a big hit! What you're … [Read more...]

What Do You Want?

Good Day   It's the beginning of November. This Saturday we turn the clocks back an hour. We have 2 months left in 2017, and I'm starting to get Black Friday offers. In the past years I have offered many different items as Black Friday specials. This year I would like to offer something … [Read more...]

10 best words

Good Day I have been reviewing a WordStream report on their analysis of 612 of the best ads from the past year.  One of the sections dealt with the most popular words used. The words, leaving out conjunctions (and, or) and articles (a, the) are in order: 1) Your 2) Free 3) Now 4) Get 5) … [Read more...]

Need An Idea – Swipe File

Good Day Need a new way to promote your business? A headline or starting line for a sales letter or flyer? Idea for a Facebook or LinkedIn post? Where do you go to get inspiration? Friends, neighbors, family? Maybe, but you would be better off going to your swipe or idea file.  A swipe file … [Read more...]

Sales Funnels

Good Day We all have marketing/sales funnels. For some it might be Facebook posts informing readers about their products or services (think restaurants posting the day's specials), cold calls with a simple sale flyer or leave behind, maybe with a call to action but in most cases no call to … [Read more...]