March 13, 2025

Different Kind Of Networking Meeting

Good Day   Wednesday I went to a weekly networking meeting that I have never been to. It was Sweet Networking Fort Worth (one of 3 or 4 networking groups) lead by Jeremiah Ozment of Ozment Media. This is an open group, so it's not restricted to one person per industry and has no requirements. … [Read more...]

PMF – Do You Have It?

Good Day Have you ever seen a company launch a new product or service and asked yourself, "why did they do that?" Then you watch as a few weeks or months later they withdraw it from the marketplace? Sometimes, though, a new product or service hits the market, and it's a big hit! What you're … [Read more...]

Are You Ready for 2018?

Good Day I hope that you had a great Christmas or Chanukah and got everything you wanted. I would like to wish you a very safe and Happy New Year! Are you ready for 2018? Reports so far for the holiday retail sales season has been the best in a number of years. Unemployment is at a record low, … [Read more...]

My Secret Resource

Good Day  This is one of my marketing resources I use all the time, and I'm going to share it with you. Once a month there is a marketing meeting where you can discover new and exciting ways to market and promote your business. This month's  meeting is this coming Monday, December 11,  from … [Read more...]

What’s wrong

Good Day   My wife got this about 2 weeks ago. Can you notice anything wrong?* I have a hard time spelling words correctly. People (family members) used to tell me to sound it out or look it up in a dictionary. It's really hard to do either when you have no phonetic background. I learned to … [Read more...]

10 best words

Good Day I have been reviewing a WordStream report on their analysis of 612 of the best ads from the past year.  One of the sections dealt with the most popular words used. The words, leaving out conjunctions (and, or) and articles (a, the) are in order: 1) Your 2) Free 3) Now 4) Get 5) … [Read more...]