March 10, 2025

Elements You Need Get Responses

Good Day The other day I got a very nice post card in the mail. It had nice graphics and colors and that's about it. The bullet point type was about 8 point type which was too small for my eyes. But the main thing I noticed or not noticed was that there was no strong call to action.  The call to … [Read more...]

Selfies and LinkedIn

Good Day The other day I was on LinkedIn, and I noticed that some people are using selfies as their profile photo. It might be OK for someone's personal Facebook page, but not for LinkedIn. LinkedIn is all about business, not what you are eating for dinner or what game you're playing. People … [Read more...]

‘Avoid An Audit’ Will Make You Money

Good Day It's almost tax day. This year the day is April 18, the day we all dread. And you know what happens if you don't file: you have to deal with the IRS and maybe risk an audit. Why am I bringing all this up? Other than to remind you of your legal obligation, I bring this up because it's … [Read more...]

Direct Mail Is A Waste!

Good Day I was going to write about how you can build your email list by using lead magnets, but when I picked up my mail, I got a letter from a warehouse club owned by a big box retailer. This letter was addressed to my old frozen margarita rental business, which was closed down 4 or 5 years … [Read more...]

Tips to boost your response rates

Good Day Here are two quick tips to boost your response rates. 1. When planning to do mailings, make sure your initial and follow-up mailings are no more than 14 days apart, 7 is better. Otherwise, people will completely forget what they received before. If you're worried about people who have … [Read more...]

You Better Know This or Else!

Good Day Over the years I have talked to a lot of business people. Here are the main questions I ask: Who's you best customer? How would you identify them? What would indicate that they would be a prospect for you? Here's a sample of answers I've gotten: Any business owner could use my … [Read more...]