March 10, 2025

Your Prescription to Minimize L.C.S. (Lost Customer Syndrome)

Good Day I canceled a service a while back, and now I'm starting to get email from this company. Not the please-come-back type, but general information type emails. While I was using this company, I did not get any form of communication from them at all. I replied to their email with one of my … [Read more...]

You Have To Do It!

Good Day I had a really bad day yesterday. At home we found a wet spot on the carpet by the air conditioner where our 11-year-old dog sleeps. We put newspapers down and blamed the dog. Then I noticed that outside by our front door the porch had a puddle that I had swept up the day before. Looking … [Read more...]

Bomb or Rifle?

Good Day Last week I wrote about making a sale to get a customer or getting a customer to make a sale. This week let's take a step back and address how to get that customer. We know that to get the customer to take action, you need the right message using the correct media and going to the … [Read more...]

Facebook Cuts Your Reach

Good Day Last week I wrote about how you have to have more than one way to promote your business. I even gave examples of what happened when a method went away. To everyone who mainly use Facebook to promote your business, Guess What? Facebook changed their algorithms again! SocialFlow … [Read more...]

Great Way To Waste Money!

Good Day I'm at that age where I'm getting invited to dinners from retirement planners. Good dinners, too, at places like Texas Land & Cattle, Pappadeaux's, Jr's Steak & Grill and more.  Wow FREE meals for me and my wife. In fact last week I got 2 invitations on the same day; one was … [Read more...]

Know, Like & Trust

Good Day Have you ever gotten multiple emails or phone calls from a business and they hound you to do business with them. They might tell you they have the lowest prices, the best customer service. If they sent me information I might keep it, but I might not. Now the business person I meet … [Read more...]