February 22, 2025

4th Quarter Action

Good Morning In a little over two weeks we will be in October and the start of the end of the year. The fourth quarter of the year. This is the time a lot of retailers go from red to black and other businesses start to slow down for the year. A common refrain that you hear in the coming weeks is, … [Read more...]

Contacting Prospects

Good Morning ,My friend Pat Coyle of Senior Essentials, a Medicare supplement insurance company, and I were talking the other day about getting more customers. About a day later he sent me a chart about contacting prospects. His chart is like the information that Chet Holmes presented in his book … [Read more...]

1st Quarter Results

Good Day Guess what. This week my wife got the same letter from the auto dealer. We are now up to 6 of the same letter. Today starts the last month of the 1st quarter of 2018. Now is the time to plan out how you are going to bring in business for the next quarter. It's also the time to look … [Read more...]

Who’s In Charge Of Your Business, Not You!

Good Day This is the time of year that business owners make appointments to talk to their C.P.A. or accountant. Their talk is, or should be, about getting their information together for their taxes. Sometime the talk is about planning and the future of one's business. It's OK to get advice from … [Read more...]

Need To Do It More Than Once!

Good Day Along with a friend, I am developing an email campaign to introduce a service/product to cold prospects (people who have not been contacted before). The other people that we are working with are using a simpler model (basically a one email campaign directing people to an appointment … [Read more...]

No Money For Android

Good Day Come by the HEB Chamber Expo this Friday from 10-3 at the Hurst Conference Center, say hello, have some chocolate, enter my drawing and learn how to receive the Amazing Email Marketing Calendar that shows you the best days of the month and times to send out your emails. ***** I saw a … [Read more...]