January 23, 2025

Your Prescription to Minimize L.C.S. (Lost Customer Syndrome)

Good Day I canceled a service a while back, and now I'm starting to get email from this company. Not the please-come-back type, but general information type emails. While I was using this company, I did not get any form of communication from them at all. I replied to their email with one of my … [Read more...]

Improve Your Lead Gen System

Good Morning "Everyone is my customer" is a common refrain I hear from a lot of business owners. But we all know that not everyone is a customer. The big question is how do you separate the customers from the non customers? You don't wait until they contact you! You get the prospective customers … [Read more...]

You Have To Do It!

Good Day I had a really bad day yesterday. At home we found a wet spot on the carpet by the air conditioner where our 11-year-old dog sleeps. We put newspapers down and blamed the dog. Then I noticed that outside by our front door the porch had a puddle that I had swept up the day before. Looking … [Read more...]

Sizzling Summer Special

We are entering what is known as the Dog Days of Summer, the time of summer when not only your garden dries up but also sales! Get the word out about your specials with Full Color Jumbo Post Cards: 100 - 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 post cards full color on both sides for only $25.00! Need more … [Read more...]

Free Special Diagnostic Tool

Good Day Let me ask you a question: Is your business off? You know, you have the feeling that something is wrong or you know something is wrong but are just not sure how to get it back on track? Over the past 20 plus years I have helped a lot of businesses increase sales, get more customers … [Read more...]

Business slow 3 tips to boost sales

Good Day Business is slow, it's the middle of summer and the year is half over. Let me tell you something you don't know! Today I got a letter from TXU Energy!  These letters come about once a month. (Good for them for reaching out more than once. 44% of sales departments and businesses give … [Read more...]